How To Change Your Thoughts To Change Your Life Like A Pro Part 2
Are you ready to get rid of those negative thoughts that keep plaguing you? Last time, in Part 1 we talked about how to change your thoughts by becoming aware of the thoughts you’re constantly having. By writing them down, crossing them out, and then replacing them with new thoughts that are positive is how to start. The first step is recognition and awareness so that you know what you’re going to change within yourself.
The first step is recognition and awareness so that you know what you’re going to change within yourself.
The second step I suggest in changing your thought patterns is saying corrective phrases once you’ve recognized a negative thought.
Change Your Thoughts With Speaking The Positive
You may be wondering how this is any different that the first step about writing down the positive thought. The difference here is that now you’re used to coming up with positive replacements, that there’s no need to write them down anymore.
You can refer to the previous positive replacements you’ve been jotting down, or you can simply think of them on the fly.
There is greater power in speaking them. Your mind is going to believe what you say above what you think because it’s a higher level of power and authority with yourself. You’re proving to yourself what you want to think by vocalizing.
Items You’ll Need For Changing Your Thoughts
- A journal or two that you can neatly tote with you everywhere you go. Pick one you’ll love or you’ll find it doesn’t serve you.
- An abundance of pens, colored to your liking.
- Extra sticky notes everywhere you may end up writing your thoughts down, or post reminders about your new habit you’re forming.
- Multi-colored sharpies when you’re eager to affirm new positive affirmations.
Here’s the process:
- Notice your negative thoughts: pay keen attention to how you’re feeling daily, and when you feel less than how you’d like, notice the thoughts that triggered those emotions. Remember, your thoughts create your emotions.
- Choose to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts: no writing necessary, just take a breath and consciously choose to not except the negative thought. Take as long as you need to create that mental shift in your mind until you can feel the change in energy within you.
- Repeat the positive replacement outloud: state with conviction a positive replacement that you prefer. If you’re in a public place and want to whisper, that’s fine. But be sure to speak it. As you repeat it to yourself, hold the energy within you that is lighter, higher, and liberating, knowing that you chose a better path in your mind.
Here’s An Example
I often feel frustrated and irritable when my children misbehave and constantly make wrong choices. When I notice these feelings, I know that the deep root thought is from me believing that I’m not a good enough mother to have well behaved children.
Of course, I know this is complete bogus, but it’s a thought pattern that is trying to run regularly I continuously have to work on. So I’ll take a breath after I recognize the state I’m in, then tell myself, “It’s not about them, it’s about me. I am a calm, happy mother who loves her children dearly. My children are learning and growing every day, and mistakes are a part of that.”
Does that help?
“It’s not about them, it’s about me. I am a calm, happy person who loves her family and friends dearly. I am learning and growing everyday, and being above this negative emotion is part of that.”
Even if you don’t have children, you can apply this to coworkers or people you encounter everyday. You could say to yourself, “It’s not about them, it’s about me. I am a calm, happy person who loves her family and friends dearly. I am learning and growing everyday, and being above this negative emotion is part of that.”
Consistent Repetition Is Important
As you repeat this process and it becomes faster and easier to do on the fly,
- your awareness will skyrocket,
- your positive energy will start to take over,
- and your conviction in yourself will grow.
You cannot just try this for a day or two, here and there, and expect results. Even a master of positive thinking is going to be triggered by things and naturally want to react negatively. It’s just human nature and how we’re wired. The difference is, you can increase your awareness, step aside from what you don’t want to experience, and consistently do that which you do want to experience.
Speaking positive thoughts out loud can turn into a habit of saying positive affirmations and supporting your confidence as well. But for now, if this concept is entirely new for you, just stick with it for a week before you move onto Part 3 of changing your thought patterns.
You’re creating a lifelong habit and system of running your mind and awareness in a new way. It’s gonna take a little bit of time. But the benefits can be seen immediately! Just keep at it.
What words are you choosing to speak to yourself now?
- Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, Wayne Dyer
- Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life, Huffington Post
- Forget Positive Thinking: This How To Actually Change Your Negative Thoughts For Success, Forbes
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Words, Change Your Life! Mind Body Green